Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is 4 too young to wear Cashmere?!

Ahhhh...Project complete.

If you recall,
I am somewhat following a sew-along
over at Elemental Stitches,
using the 'Carefree clothes for girls' book.
I already mentioned in my previous post
how far from the project I strayed.
Obviously, I really dodged the road where the sign said Knit!
But for now I pulled out a scarf from the book
and decided to use that instead.
It kept with the "Fancy" theme.

So I managed to rip, pick, unstitch and re-purpose
the formerly "Nice" men's Cashmere overcoat,
and produce a "Nicer" little number for the Chooch.

All with minimal swearing!
okay---I let fly a couple good ones but
said Chooch was already asleep... so all good!

Now we just need some winter weather
and a few good Holiday Parties.
And a child receptive to wearing the Jacket
after far too many try on sessions!

Happy Sewing!

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