Edit: Thank you for dropping in...Sorry, comments now closed!
Will announce the winner tomorrow am,
Good Luck!
Huh??? Did I just say that?
Grateful it's a MONDAY?!
Ahhh... but not just any Monday,
Today is officially

(yes I was shouting that!)
Will announce the winner tomorrow am,
Good Luck!
Huh??? Did I just say that?
Grateful it's a MONDAY?!
Ahhh... but not just any Monday,
Today is officially

(yes I was shouting that!)
Sew Mama Sew is graciously collecting and compiling and hosting all of the hundreds (250 so far!) of participants so that you, dear reader can go off blissfully guided into blogger land, and hopefully, score some awesome handmade goodness!
Now before you stampede out of here in all your unbridled excitement....
Did you know that Choochmagooz is participating too?!
Did I already tell you that?!
I did?!
Did I already tell you that?!
I did?!
So quit stalling, shut up and show us the goods already huh?!
I mean really...teasing you all on a Monday...
I mean really...teasing you all on a Monday...
Okay...So..I can't exactly show you a picture of our Giveaway except this teenie sneak peak. Not because I'm being secretive, but because one dumbnut mother keeps forgetting to photograph the items she makes for birthday gifts. So you'll have to trust me on this one. It's seriously Cute! (if I do say so myself)

One lucky reader, follower,...lovely person, will win a personalized children's cape. Good for all sorts of excellent adventuring! The cape will fit from age 2 - 6. And as I will be making this custom please specify if you would like the cape either for a boy or a girl?!
Now, How do you get you're hands on the goods?
1) Leave a comment below telling me your greatest pet peeve (it is Monday afterall)
For extra entries
(please leave a separate comment for each)
(please leave a separate comment for each)
1-become a follower or subscriber of my humble Blog, Choochmagooz
2-Like us on FaceBook (that sounds so rubbish...I really did prefer it when you just became a fan)
3-Pop into the flickr gallery, have a snoop then return and let me know what item is your favorite
That's 4 chances to win my friends!
Buena Suerte!
Buena Suerte!
Choochmagooz Giveaway is open until May 20th and Internationally!
and please please please remember to leave an email address
so I can contact you if you've won! (not spam you, got no time for that!)
And now click on the button above to enter into further Giveaway Bliss
Mondays aren't so bad after all?!??!?!?!
hmmm debatable!
and please please please remember to leave an email address
so I can contact you if you've won! (not spam you, got no time for that!)
And now click on the button above to enter into further Giveaway Bliss
Mondays aren't so bad after all?!??!?!?!
hmmm debatable!
1 – 200 of 330 Newer› Newest»Hi! I have 2 very delish boys so I would be loving a boy theme/feel! My pet peeve - hmmm when I try to rip fabric and it goes on an angle and well you can imagine - gosh that irks me! oh and mending. I'm not a mender!
helloooo.....writing you from Italy, I'm an architect, a beginner quilter...and a breast cancer survivor! two surgeries! Thank you for the giveaway idea!!! love handmade stuff!!!!!!!! Tiziana tiziana@francescato.it
my greatest pet peeve....is........smacking.
i really hate smacking. (not hitting, like gum or chewing food smacking). =)
My greatest pet peeve? Hmm.. well, can't say it's the greatest, but one of them is when you're in the cinema and people bring in their noisy and rowdy kids who can't sit still!
sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com
I am writing to you from germany and i have two girls and a husband...that counts 3 childs..my greatest pet peeve is the Question "Mom(honey) where is my....?" that wouldn`t bother me if they would have really looked for there things, but obviously its easyer to ask me...and this happens quite a lot.
My kids always start talking as soon as I click the radio in the car on. If I turn it off to ask them what, they imediately have nothing to say! Ahhhh!
And feel free to visit my giveaway too! http://seemommysew.wordpress.com
seemommysew @ gmailDOTcom
hmm my greatest pet peeve is not being able to find the cooking utensils i'm after. it seems that each time they get put away they find a new draw or cupboard to live in so i'm always hunting for the grater etc. boy sized 5 cape would fit just fine. thank you.
Love the site! Hmmm... some days my whole life is a pet peeve with 4 and 2 year old boys! Let's see: whining, sticky handprints on the wall, leaking sippy cups, rejection of my lovely cooked food, etc. That should be enough! :)
I have a little girl that would wear this cape 24/7
My email is heidi[dot]cipriano[at]gmail[dot]com
Thanks for the wonderful opportunity!
I am following you :)
My email is heidi[dot]cipriano[at]gmail[dot]com
And I "like"d you on Facebook :D
My email is heidi[dot]cipriano[at]gmail[dot]com
My biggest pet peeve is getting out some great fabric and finding it has been cut so badly off grain, you don't have quite enough to use!
The cape would make the best present for my niece :)
fun givaway!!
I'd have to say rude people are my biggest pet peeve right now!:)
I have two little ones a girl and a boy so I guess if we win just suprise us. :)
Ok this is adorable. I'm having a hard time deciding if this would be for my little gal or one of my nephews. Hmmm. So cute.
I liked/fanned your facebook page.
Squeeeee! Your sneaky peek looks adorable! I think my biggest pet peeve would be people who are unable to park a car between two white lines. I don't get it. Ugggg. My blood is boiling thinking about it!
my biggest pet peeve is my husband always leaving lights on when he's not in the room!, i'd love to be really awkward & would love a cape that my son can wear now, but that his sister can use when he's outgrown it! tricky i know but sure you could come up with something?
thanks for the chance to win!
having had a snoop over on flickr, i just love little wilber! such a sweetie
pet peeve - when my husband drinks the last cup of coffee out of the pot and he knows we have no more to make.
My biggest pet peeve is working with computers- some places I can't leave a comment because they want a google account etc.- I don't know how to do that! Thanks for the giveaway. I would love a girls cape- 3 granddaughters.
Wow - lucky me - my monday has been so great that I can't think of a pet peeve!!!
Love your idea of giving away a cape ... I know lot of little people who would love it!
Great blog too - so happy to have stumbled by today :)
Hello from Canada! My pet peeve is people throwing garbage from their car windows and then I have to pick it up. Icky!! Thanks for a fun giveaway...love it!
My pet peeve is people saying they will do something, and then not following through. Thanks for participating in SMS giveaway day. And thanks for entering me!
My greatest pet peeve is a million people who tell me they read my blog, but they never comment and they don't follow. UGH!
I am also a follower!
boy or girl cape, could use either...something unisex? my biggest pet peeve is dirty dishes.
I think I'm going to win!
My biggest pet peeve of the moment is my husband not putting his dirty dishes into the dishwasher!
My little boy would love a cape!!
shawnnahouseholder at gmail
My biggest pet peeve is when someone (doctor, teacher, other adult types) don't believe me when I am trying to explain something about one of my kids. Being the mom of a kiddo with sensory issues that *really* gets my goat.
I'm also a follower. :)
And I love those bunnies in your flicker pool! They had my two girls squealing and begging for them. :)
Ok so my biggest pet peeve is when drivers pull our right in front of me and i look behind me after I slam on my brakes to see there is NOBODY behind me!!! Drives me batty. LOVING your blog!
Oh and Liked you on FB. (I'm done I swear.) LOL
Oh I just became a follower and my son Blaze would love a cape personalized for him.
I like you on Facebook and have to agree with you on the fan thing.
Lovely giveaway, tks so much! Biggest Pet Peeve is my son not washing his hands properly.
I love the Wee Village!!
I have both a girl and a boy but dear daughter already had the good fortune to receive a cape so I think dear son would LOVE a cape to do superhero stunts in :)
My pet peeve- drivers who don't follow the road rules and almost run down pedestrians and cyclists due to it.
oh and I am a follower now too!
My greatest pet peeve is people who have to continually tell you how great they are, and then act like a two-year-old when you point out there mistakes (which you have to do as part of your job, not that you're just rude and like to point out people's mistakes).
Telemarketers who call late in the evening, and wake up my kids.
My daughter would love a cape.
I LOVE the princess crown on the second page of flickr....beautiful!
I'm a follower of the blog now!
and I "liked" you on fb too. I much preferred being a fan of something...ah well.
Yeppie!!! I'm a new follower!!!
I agree... being a fan was better than liking.. :)
either way... I've "Like" your facebook.
My daughter would love this! My pet peeve...probaly people who are rude.
I love the crowns, bunnies and wands!!! GREAT ideas!!!
maplecreekracing (at) comcast dot net forgot to put that on my other entries.. WHOOPS~
I think my biggest pet peeve... drivers who don't understand the difference between YEILD and MERGE... hahahaha DRIVES ME NUTS!!!
thanks for the chance to win... and vent... :)
maplecreekracing (at) comcast dot net
my boys would love a new cape!
biggest pet peeve.... well, today it's gotta be that our school district doesn't work in any snow/increment weather days into the calendar (even though the kids miss several days each year for snow/ice/flooding) and so my daughter has to go to school on saturday this week - yuck!!!
happy monday!
I have so many pet peeves. I guess the top one is when people say expresso instead of espresso.
ninjaeema (at) aol (dot) com
I hate when people use the wrong form of their, there, or they're! It drives me nuts!
I hate it when people are quick to judge my Asperger's daughter, She is different and I am the best mom for her
My greatest pet peeve is when people assume the worst motivation from someone's actions. Nothing makes me as cranky as listening to someone complain about how someone is out to get them, or whatever.
I have a little boy who would think this is the best thing ever. I haven't been able to get him out of his batman cape since halloween....This would be a nice change. My biggest pet peeve would be when people eat in the phone. I hate it....Also I'm a follower of the blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
Ugh, people who breath loudly. I know it's horrible, but soo annoying! Would love this for our little boy!
My boys would love a cape-their imaginations are insane!
My petpeeve is parents who don't parent!!! Drives me nuts!
My biggest pet peeve right at this moment is my daughter's obsession with emptying the clean laundry basket- One item at a time, flung as far as she can across the room. Even worse when it's already folded! I'd love a girl cape for my niece who's going to be a big sister this year!
Took a look at flickr too- love Luis and Wilber!
My greatest pet peeve is wasteful spending and then people who chew with their mouth open. The cape would be for a boy, Oscar!
I'm now a follower! I would love a boy's cape for Oscar!
Hmmm, biggest pet peeve? Right now it's when the neighbors pile up the sticks from their yard that fell off of my tree during the last wind storm on my property. They have lots of trees too, so how do they know which sticks were "mine?" I would love the win a little girls cape! Just adorable!
Hmm...a pet peeve of mine right now is that I struggle that the mail can't come at the same time everyday...a little early/late everyday is fine...but sometimes there is just no consistency...I have been waiting for some fabric and such and the waiting game is no fun for me! What a great giveaway!
I must admit that there are several pet peeves that I could choose from.... but for the most relevant at the moment, it peeves me when people borrow DVD's from the library, and return them in unusable condition for the next person to discover. :) Thanks fo posting!
myadreply (at) hotmail (dot) com
There was a time where I'd have a huge list of things I could share of pet peeves, but now I'm a little more laid back and I can't say I really have one.
I'd love to get my hands on your cape. My son needs some dress up type things because his sister is always dressed up like a princess and he has nothing to dress up in himself. Totally not fair. He's just turning two and I'm sure I'd be taking a super hero with me everywhere if I won this (as well as that princess who goes with me everywhere).
Oh, such a cape would be lovely for my neighbors' little girl. :)
Pet peeve? I can't stand when native English speakers don't know the difference between it's and its. It seriously drives me crazy. (Or there and their.) (Or know and now.) Well, you get the drift...
Greetings from Munich,
Too cute. My greatest pet peeve is people being late. I hate that!! heehee
very cute sneek peak! Pet peeve - poor punctuation/grammar usage on signage/websites/newspapers! arggg...
Pet peeve - people chewing with their mouths open. Seriously - it makes me squirm. And then there are those on TV who are doing it! You actually have to choose to take that shot and the director thinks its fine or normal?! BLEGH. Can you tell this really bothers me? haha
Oh my goodness I love your Bunnies from your flickr shop!
My biggest pet peeve is loud gum smacking and chewing.
I would LOVE a cape for my little girl!
Thetottery AT gmail DOT com
I'm also a follower!
Thetottery AT gmail DOT com
My biggest pet peeve is dirty dishs in the sink. I hate hate hate dirty dishes :)
Thank you for such a lovely giveaway. My youngest little girl would love that!
I liked you on facebook (cortney mcLean)
I "like" you on Facebook too!
Thetottery at gmail dot com
I'm now a blog follower :)
I just checked out Flickr. I LOVE the wee village! You are so talented!
thetottery AT gmail DOT com
My pet peeve is people who misspell voila as waa-laa! It makes me crazy! *giggle*
Great cape! My daughter would love it!
My pet peeve is when people stand behind me in line and snap their gum. Ugh!
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
What a great cape! My niece would love it!
My pet peeve is when people talk during a movie. Ugh.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Mine would be for a girl :) And my biggest pet peeve is hmmm.... I guess I'm a pretty easy going person, I can't think of one at the moment :)
candy at fiber dot net
ooh, you live in spain? i am so jealous! where do you live? i studied in valencia and have family in madrid. i miss it so. i would LOVE a cape for my son mateo! my biggest pet peeve of the moment is my very own low self confidence. need to work on that. thanks for giving!
my pet peeve is poor etiquette. Thanks!
slow people!
sooooo sweet....(what i can see of it) but i can just picture grandbaby girl swirling around the house in this!!!
pet peeve...being late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pet peeve: our neighbours!
so the cape would be balm to ours souls
My pet peeve is when certain other male members of the household leave wet items crumpled in a heap instead of flattened out to dry! But the smallest male member of the household is too little to be blamed and would love a cape. :)
I hate noisy people at the movies!!! HATE THEM!
My biggest pet peeve is when someone gets in the express aisle at the grocery store with more items than they should have!
I'm also a follower!
Oh, goodness. My son has been referring to himself as Super Luke lately. He needs a quilt!!
I have lots of petpeeves...but it really annoys me when people use their cell phones in the checkout line.
My favorite item on your flickr is the educational beanbag! so cute!
Love the Pierre spots a treasure paintings!
I can't stand it when people talk through a movie or performance. I was at the ballet recently and these two women nearby talked through the whole thing. I wasn't close enough to tell them to be quiet or I would have.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I have a little boy I would love to give a cape to! Greatest pet peeve is probably awful loud chewers. Especially when they sit the next cube over at work!
My greatest pet peeve, people who think they know it all.
The cape sounds like it will be adorable!
Spilled juice on a freshly cleaned floor.
Girl for me
crumbs in the cuttlery draw.... its so frustraiting when food gets in amongsts the clean cuttlery... but it certinly creates a fun game for my 5 month old cleaning it up
I like the Dancing fairy ribbon rings very fun.
Pet Peeve, the little ones flinging food around the kitchen. We just finished lunch, so it's fresh on my mind. :)
I have a coworker that sits beside me in cubby hell and he is CONSTANTLY sniffling and blowing his nose. Seriously annoying!
Little girl - raegreen1[at]verizon[dot]net
I became a follower of your blog!
I just became a follower of your blog....
I just became a Fan (I agree the like thingy sound yucky so I still say fan) on FB...
On your Flickr account I like the pillowcase dresses, and princess crowns and wands... The Fairy dancing rings look interesting what do you do with them? My middle granddaughter (she turns 5 this week) loves Fairies and we have the most interesting talks about fairies and how important they are to nature (ok her words not me, can't believe she only going to be 5)LOL
Greetings from France;
pet peeve... hmm... guess i'd have to say (since i am pregnant and my hormones are raging) strangers who get "concerned" if i'm not in a constant state of joyous glow as i go through all of the changes involved in carrying a child.
the little boy cape would be an absolutely Perfect gift for my youngest nephew, who definitely likes to think he's an indestructible superhero!
A little girl cape! For friends of our who are missionaries living on a shoe string budget (in their case it will be shared by 3 little girls!).
Pet peeve, talking with food in your mouth...
My pet peeve is people who think it's better to complain behind your back then to tell you up front....
This isn't my GREATEST pet peeve, I don't think, but it's the most recent: when people stop up traffic in the parking lot to wait on a car that's going to be leaving (but isn't quite ready yet)...just to save themselves from walking a few extra parking spots from the ones that are ALREADY free. grrr.
Anyhow, at least for the next 10 days I have little girls here (may be getting a boy soon...only time will tell?)
Well I am the mother of 2 girls and a boy so either cape would work for us.
One of my pet peeves (one of many...) is the chewing noise. It seems like everytime my husband eats I get the privilage of hearing every bite. It drives me insane!!!
I am a follower of your blog!!
Well I have two favorites!!! Wilbur the Whale is awesome!!! I also love petite chic. You have a great talent.
My greatest pet peeve is drivers..in general. I do not think anyone should be on the road but me..lol But I especially get angry when people do not use their blinkers..drives me up the wall! Thank you for the chance to win :)
I am a new blog follower :)
I am a FB fan..Stephanie MacGregor-Darmock
Adorable stuff in your Flickr..love the ship in a bottle pillow!
I have a 3yr old son who would love a cape..Shame on me for not making him one yet. But hey if I can win one that is much better :)
What a great question for a Monday. My greatest pet peeve is people sniffing rather than blowing their noses. Can you tell we all just got over colds at our house?
I have a 5-year-old boy who would love a fancy cape.
A cape would be great for my 3 year old who thinks he can fly. My pet peeve is Taxidermy.
My pet peeve is chewing with an open mouth and eating loudly! I don't insist on perfect table manners, but I can't stand seeing somebody else masticated dinner. Okay, enough of that. My little boy would love a cape.
My biggest pet peeve is slow drivers. It never fails I get behind one when I have to be somewhere on time or early (which is, like, everywhere.)
Hi! Love your blog! My biggest pet peeve is leaving cabinets open! My husband has a horrible, horrible habit of leaving doors of any kind open. I'm always bumping into them! Looks like you're very talented...that cape idea and embroidery is just too cute! Fingers crossed I win! Thank you!
My pet peeve... Dirty floors and bare feet. I hate it when I walk over my dirty floor and all the stuff sticks to my bare feet. I just wear flip flops to avoid having to sweep ;)
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I would love to enter. I am 9, and I am hosting a giveaway on my blog, too.
I'm feeling lucky today.
sk8ter dot emily at gmail dot com
Thanks so much,
My biggest peeve right now is having to lay around on bedrest and not play with my 4-year-old as much as I want to! And if I win, I would love a cape for my little boy! He's really into super heroes right now, and dress up! :o)
My pet peeve of the day is cleaning the BBQ grill. YUCK!
Also, I became a follower of your blog. Love the cape idea!
a boy one please! How cute are they!?
My biggest pet peeve would be when someone doesn't use a turn signal... I don't know why that bothers me so much, but it does!
Happy Monday!
I am a follower, too!
My pet peeve is getting woken up each morning by little children about 10 minutes before my alarm goes off - don't they understand how valuable those last 10 minutes of sleep are!
I am now a follower too!
Greatest pet peeve: hearing neighbor's noises through the walls/ceilings. I was not made for apartment living!
Thanks for the giveaway. :)
My pet peeve? Where do I start? When people say ATM Machine, you just said automated teller machine machine...When people realize right before they pay they have coupons they need to find and cut out, and they need to write a check, but after they use up the change they dump out the purse to find...I better stop before I ruin my Mon.
Beautiful cape. My sons need these, that means if I win one I hope to find one in the shop. Little boys need capes for all their adventures.
I checked out the shop - what don't I love!? I love the little dresses, I love the flower hair clips, I love the whale toy. I just love.
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!! ashlee.stricklin@gmail.com
My biggest pet peeve is bad table manners
Hey there - I'm a follower now!
Pet Peeve - a grown man with his fingers in his mouth! Ahhhhgh!
Today sucked. I hate it when the bank, once a year, decides that my husband needs to sign his own checks. I've been doing it for four years now! The other branch of the bank let me get away with it and the one I went to first usually does but oh no, some new broad thinks even though BOTH of our names are on the account, he is the only one who can endorse his checks. What the heck? He doesn't have anything to do with his money. He might think he earns it but we all know the truth. Just because his name is on it...
My son would LOVE a cape! Pet Peeve - people who do nothing but complain on their facebook updates...ANNOYING.
Hey, loved your post, was very entertaining!
My pet peeve is probably tailgaters - people who follow too closely in the car. I have deliberately gone r-ee-all-y slow on several occassions just to make them mad. I just don't get WHY they do it, when I am doing the speed limit and they have 100m of empty road behind them? (I live in a small town where there isn't as much traffic as big cities. Prolly would hate to live in big cities just because of the exponential increase of tailgaters.)
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Oh gosh, I have lots of pet peeves. Let's say the WORST one is people who chew loudly, or crunch their food with their mouths open. UGH!
Oh wow, my daughters would love a cape for their dress up times!
And oh dear, pet peeve? Probably adults who can't sit still and insist on fidgeting and then often break the thing they're fidgeting with.
And I really liked the felt crowns you showcased on Flickr - my kids would simply LOVE them.
P.S. Don't forget to visit my blog for my giveaway if you have the time.
OMG - I'm sorry everyone but this giveaway is so very obvioulsy meant for me - my 2 1/2 year old, whose nickname is Punky, has been running around lately with a pillowcase tied around her neck yelling "Super Punk!"... quite frankly she NEEDS this yummy cape!
My pet peeve...? Oh hon I have so many!
People chewing with their mouths open makes my just a tad psycho though...
Your flickr is just the bomb - not a dodgey pic or item in site! Loving the crowns & the bunting!
My pet peeve is kinda gross... it drives me crazy when my husband changes the kids' diapers and throws the dirty one in the general direction of the garbage can, and doesn't pick it up if he misses. I have a girl and a boy, but the girl is old enough for a cape! Thank you for the chance to win!
pixie_shadow AT hotmail DOT com
Super giveaway! My son would love to rock a boyish cape. As for my pet peeve - I *hate* it when people try to sing along to songs when they obviously don't know the words. So annoying!
I really hate the sound of people chewing gum noisily. Like nails on a chalkboard to me! I instantly assume the person is uneducated and rude (though often everything else about the person contradicts that).
My son would love a cape! Thanks!
Your flower clip holders are brilliant!
thanks for another chance to win =)
pixie_shadow AT hotmail DOT com
A girl-cape would be awesome for my princess-loving daughter :)
My pet peeve (thanks for bringing it up!) is people chewing with their mouths open, or otherwise making mouth noises when they eat. Apples have to be the worst thing that people can eat around me. I go mad.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My biggest pet peeve is definitely people who sniffle incessently instead of grabbing a tissue!
thansk for the giveaway!
- donna
kindredcrafters (at) gmail (dot) com
Lovely! I'd love one!
I'd love a girl cape for my daughter! My biggest pet peeve is people who don't signal when turning!
Oooh, that sneak peak is enticing!
My biggest pet peeve is, frankly, stupid people.
my biggest pet peeve is bad drivers!
What a lovely idea! The sneak peek is exciting. One of my biggest pet peeves is windshield wipers going after the rain stops. It drives me crazy!
My biggest pet peeve is when people are late. RUDENESS! Don't commit to something if you can't do it! Arg. I almost didn't continue to date my now husband because he was always late picking me up. He got a watch and we got hitched! :) Thanks for the giveaway, my little guy loves an adventure.
My biggest pet peeve is intentional misspelling, like Kool Kuts or something. If you want kids to learn how to spell, don't misspell things on purpose!
My son loves Super Why, so this cape would be great!
What a FANTASTIC giveaway! If I were to win, I would want one for a boy for sure. The sneak peak alone is making me drool.
My biggest pet peeve of the moment (because it happened today, and it's Monday and it made me curse) is people who take Merge signs to mean yield and then don't let you in. In fact they go so far as to try and rush in where you should be and literally push you onto the shoulder. Okay, rant done. What a great giveaway, I do hope I win!!
Biggest pet peeve is interrupting...I guess with 5 sons it is something that just happens a lot but please I've been teaching them the right way to behave for years!!
Love the cape!!
I liked you on Facebook! :)
Oh and I just checked out your Flickr, and I think my fav is the felt ship in a bottle - so cute and whimsical!
My pet peeve? People who don't know what to do at a four way stop and wait and wait and wait....
Biggest pet peeve is when someone doesn't hold the door for you when you are a half-second behind them. My sweet daughter would cherish a cape :)
Hmm...other people slurping ramen noodles. It's fine when I do it, but I can't handle hearing other people do it!! Surprise, I'm selfish!!
Precious cape! My pet peeve is cell phones ringing while trying to eat in a restaurant!
Super capes! Pet peeve- mmm, today it is children who won't eat the time consuming and delicious dinner I prepared!
My biggest pet peeve is people texting/emailing/etc. during meetings. Focus, people!
I browsed your photos. The boat in a bottle is fab!
FYI: I really, really, really want to win this for my 4yo superhero (code name: Starchild)
Well today my biggest pet peeve is people saying mean stuff to their kids in front of other people...or ever.
Monday pet peev... hmm well it was raining and I had to take my daughter to the bus stop in the freezing cold... but now I am sitting on my couch all toasty warm so it's not so bad!!
xo Steph
I am also stalking you!! LOL
xo Steph
Totally liking your FB page..lol...
xo Steph
AND... i saw your wales on Etsy? They all start with the letter 'w' yeah... hmmm hehe
xo Steph
My BIGGEST pet peev is when you purchase a drink from a drive thur (and you take your first sip after you have left the location) and it is nasty! Or when you purchase a coffee from a coffee shop paying the high prices and it is a crappy drink! URRRR........
Thanks for your give away!! newkirk2009@yahoo.com
I am loving your educational bean bags from your gallery! Anything to have fun and education is the way to go! So many cute ideas in your gallery!! Love it!!
I love that your creations are for the kids! I am a new follower!!
Thanks for calling me "goodlookin"...just want to let you know I likey you on FBOOK!!
Pet peeve, going for ice in the freezer and because my pop is warm and discovering ALL 3 ice cube trays empty on the counter. Why doesn't anyone ever refill?!?!
I hate it when people take up two parking spaces with one vehicle. Heidi.netzrupke@gmail.com
My biggest (work-related, I work in a pharmacy) pet peeve is when the other technicians do not call a patient to inform them when we have to order their meds in. Invariably, I am the one stuck telling an unhappy patient they have to wait and how sorry I am. Sigh.
Ooh pet peeve, huh? How much time do you have? I was born a Virgo and we are so very hyper critical! Currently high on my list are people that wear too much perfume/cologne - especially patchouli! I sneeze and then can't breathe from allergies - ugh.
If I won I would be delighted to have a cape for our grand daughter, Aubree!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow, I'm the very first one and so deeply impressed!
Would be so nice to be the lucky one.
Kind regards from Germany
my pet peeve is people that park their car over 2 car parks!
have just become a follower of your your lovely blog
I would love a boy cape for my little superboy!
My greatest pet peeve is a whining grownup - just shut up and deal with it already!
I really like the personalised bunting - pretty and fun!
pet peeve : people who make an order and then disappear - no replies to emails or whatsoever!
i would love a girly cape for my daughter who's 2nd birthday is next month!
What a yummy sounding giveaway! My pet peeve is when people push in, in a queue! Grrrrrr! Hope you have a great week and no one pushes in on you :)
Hi my pet peeve is people cutting their nails at work ~ewww.
The cape would go to my cute little 4 yr old niece.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Biggest pet peeve I won't mention because it could be slightly inappropriate (socks on during *ahem* .. well you can prob. figure it out) but second biggest pet peeve is white socks with black pants. I have a thing against socks haha
Also, fav. thing from flickr account : 'Boat in a bottle' :)
It drives me nuts when people don't use "that" and "which" correctly.
I'd love a cape for my little girl.
Hi, I am from Germany and i have two little girls (2 and 5 years old). So I would like a cape for a girl :-) I hope I win ... *lol* so many comments ... wow! My pet peeve is the question from my kids ... "Mom, where is this or that ...?", many greetings to you
They were all great but the Boat in a bottle pillow really caught my eye.
My biggest pet peeve is when I am continually asked the same question over and over and over again.
I agree! What was wrong w/ being a Fan of? Now I "like" your FB page :)
I finally figured out how to become a follower! Yes-my computer skills are lacking. I even figured out the picture part! HA! The week is looking up!
Pet peeve - where do I start??
I can't stand rudeness
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