Comments now closed,
Stay tuned for a winner!
Yes my friends, another month of Cyber slacking.
Mia culpa, mia culpa!
I'd get into a list of excuses but you hate those right?!
So I'll just say...Sorry!
However, to make up for my absence,
and to celebrate throwing 100 posts of Randomness at you all...
It's time for a giveaway.
Let's just jump right into it shall we
I've had a few custom orders lately and have been inspired.
I like the challenge, and the creativity it allows.
So for you...
Another custom superhero Cape!

We had such a success with the last giveaway,
and they are such fun to make...

Here's a few I've made to get your imaginations moving!

So here's how to play...
for your official entry:
Leave a comment telling me what you plan to do
to spread some joy this holiday season
This step is mandatory...all bonus entries will be void without this step.
For bonus entries:
:Follow or subscribe to my random ravings (aka:Blog)
:Join our Facebook page
:Stop into my Etsy Shop and let me know what product is your favorite.
:Share this post via Twitter, Facebook etc
Please leave me a comment for each bonus entry you are snagging!
Or If you're rather impatient and can't wait to win one..
You can now head on over to my Etsy Shop and purchase one today!
Good luck!
I'll be drawing the winners on Dec 18th so be sure to check back.
Due to the personal nature of this order please note that it will not ship
directly after the giveaway. Please allow 2 weeks for our mutual collaboration.
And my sincere apologies for the dead airwaves there for a spell...
Lot's of new fun stuff coming your way.
For more chances to win amazing Handmade goodies
jump over to Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day
Stay tuned for a winner!
Yes my friends, another month of Cyber slacking.
Mia culpa, mia culpa!
I'd get into a list of excuses but you hate those right?!
So I'll just say...Sorry!
However, to make up for my absence,
and to celebrate throwing 100 posts of Randomness at you all...
It's time for a giveaway.
Let's just jump right into it shall we
I've had a few custom orders lately and have been inspired.
I like the challenge, and the creativity it allows.
So for you...
Another custom superhero Cape!

We had such a success with the last giveaway,
and they are such fun to make...

Here's a few I've made to get your imaginations moving!

So here's how to play...
for your official entry:
Leave a comment telling me what you plan to do
to spread some joy this holiday season
This step is mandatory...all bonus entries will be void without this step.
For bonus entries:
:Follow or subscribe to my random ravings (aka:Blog)
:Join our Facebook page
:Stop into my Etsy Shop and let me know what product is your favorite.
:Share this post via Twitter, Facebook etc
Please leave me a comment for each bonus entry you are snagging!
Or If you're rather impatient and can't wait to win one..
You can now head on over to my Etsy Shop and purchase one today!
Good luck!
I'll be drawing the winners on Dec 18th so be sure to check back.
Due to the personal nature of this order please note that it will not ship
directly after the giveaway. Please allow 2 weeks for our mutual collaboration.
And my sincere apologies for the dead airwaves there for a spell...
Lot's of new fun stuff coming your way.
For more chances to win amazing Handmade goodies
jump over to Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day
I am baking my little heart out and delivering sweet Christmas cheer to friends and neighbors...and snitching some for myself, too!
Lots of baking over here as well. And making a few other hand made goodies for dear friends.
I am a facebook fan.
I also follow your blog.
We helped some local families purchase gifts for their children (people who would not have been able to do so, otherwise).
For the Holiday season my favorite thing to do is shop for Toys For Tots ... I love bringing the toys to the Marines and seeing how excited they are that even my 2 year old will tell them "Thank You" ...
I like you Facebook Page ( Leslie Paczosa)
My favorite product from your Etsy Shop is your Capes ... I've never seen a cape for a little girl but MINE would LOVE one of yours ! !
I love your little paintings! And im following your blog, facebook page and commented at etsy!!!
This year we will be cristmas carolling to spread some cheer:)
We are going to be spreading cheer this afternoon. We are going caroling at a few retirement homes in town. .it should be fun!
I looked over at etsy and really like the Pierre spots a treasure mini paintings. So cute!
I subscribe to your blog!
Your capes are so great (wish they were around when I was a kid!) I plan on spreading joy the best way I know how -- through food! Lots of baking and party cooking on my plate for the next few weeks...
What a sweet giveaway! I love those capes (as would my dress-up-loving daughter!!)
This Christmas, we're foregoing most present-giving, and sending money to World Vision to buy farm animals (a goat and some chickens) for someone :)
I am baking like crazy and plan to share with the neighbors. I'm also forcing my hubby to go out and snowblow my neighbors driveway-- We got a foot of snow this weekend and they've been out of town. So while I won't actually be doing the work, I'm at least making sure it gets done! :D
i wanna bake cinnamon rolls and share them
We let my Daughter pick out a toy to help "stuff the bus" at Toys r us with toys for tots.
I like you on facebook.
i just said that i like very jolly roger onesie for my son in your etsy shop
I like the little whale rattle.
We give people lots of super yummy treats, sugar always makes people happy!
Now following, great blog!
Mandatory: I'm making everyone's gift. I hope that they love not just the gift but all the love I put into each one! :)
I am now a follower of your blog!
Our whole family does and advent activity each night. Even if it's just making snow cones out of fresh snow it gets us together and happy. It's really helped to bring cheer!
I'm a new follower. Love your blog!
I like Chooch..on FB as Tabitha Swain Klucking
I just love the Cinderella embroidery! So wonderful.
I tweeted about the giveaway as kluckingbear.
Your shop...I like it all!! Seriously I do. Please don't make me choose right now.
We're sharing cookies with our neighbors!
I will be making and giving away some yummy fudge this christmas!
We will be picking up some extra toys to donate to toys for tots! It's nice to know that some kids who might not have gotten any toys will get some!!
sale4mp at gmail dot com
I'm following your blog!
sales4mp at gmail dot com
I'm a fan on facebook!
sales4mp at gmail dot com
I must say your cape is my favorite thing in your shop! It looks so well made and like it would make any little kid's day! My kiddos would certainly like one!!
sales4mp at gmail dot com
I bake cookies and other goodies w/ my family. I have little bags wrapped up and try to randomly drop off them or give them to people I usually do not get gifts for. Co-workers, postal workers or neighbors or people at church.
I like your tea time hair candy in your shop!
i am a new follower
This year we picked up a letter from an angel tree to help out a family in need in our area! Love the cape! Thanks for the chance!
Spreading the holiday joy, in a small way - I put together a set of cookie cutters, recreating the set we had as children, to send to my brother so he and his little girl can do Christmas cookies together. :)
I plan on giving everyone hugs and kisses this season to spread the love!!
xo Steph
Sub for Santa. Good for my kid to learn about giving, good for other kids to get that giving.
nachoandtdog at gmail dot com
Spreading some joy by putting together a box full of goodies for someone special.
thetottery at gmail dot com
I follow/subscribe to your blog!
thetottery at gmail dot com
I already like you on Facebook!
thetottery at gmail dot com
Other than the personalized cape, I love the hoop wall art. The whales are rather cute too!
thetottery at gmail dot com
We will do some baking to give to people. Lovely giveaway too
Baking for people, giving to local food banks, and of course "the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear"
I actually like the capes best, second fave would be the grow embroidery hoop wall art.
I'm baking cookies and sharing with friends. Thanks for the chance!
well. the best way to spread holiday cheer is by singing loud for all to hear so I guess I'll do that!
My curling rink is hosting a holiday cheer party for our last night of curling, I am making gifts and goodies for family and friends.
jmclean at mts dot net
Baking cookies! A family favorite.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Spreading the joy is the easy part of the holidays. My little family is having an elderly gentleman over for the holidays so he won't have to be alone. He's so sweet to us and I'd hate to know he is alone, so it's easy to go pick him up for the couple days.
I love your dream, believe, grow for my girl, but for my little man I'm loving your capes.
I've bought gifts for "Mr X", who gives toys to disadvantaged children. :)
Ciel_s at yahoo dot co dot uk
I am making tons and tons of cookies for my family and coworkers, because who doesn't love cookies? Yum!
kennedycraft (at) aol (dot) com
Handfelted ornaments and bath salts!
Thank you for the chance. I love this! (My son would love it more:)
I liked you on facebook:)
old fashioned door to door caroling this year
merry christmas!
Thanks for the chance to win a darling cape. This year I'm spreading joy like you are, by giving something away for SMS giveaway day. It's a fun way to give!
well its hard to spread joy too far from home with a 2 yr old and a 3 month old. I think you got me thinking about how I can find a way to spread some cheer.
my 2 year old would love this cape. hopefully i'm spreading holiday cheer around, but mostly i'm running around like a crazy person trying to keep up.
I;m sharing the holiday cheer by dressing my little ones in holiday outfits and making cookies for friends.
I am making special quilts for all my loved ones
I am giving handmade gifts to friends and family. Scarves, cowls, shoulder bags, purses, beanbags, hats, baby doll cloth diapers, etc.
I'm giving handmade ornaments to several folks in my life who don't expect a gift. Trying to make surprises for my hubby, son and parents too (time will tell if I can do it all). Fun to spread joy with crafting!
My husband and I like to pick a child from the angel tree to get gifts for. We've been doing it for the last 5 years that we've been married, and it's been such a great experience for us!
Super cute giveaway, the capes are adorable! I'm going caroling with friends to some shut-ins and senior citizens houses, folks that can't get out, hoping to spread some holiday cheer that way! :)Thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
My favorite thing in your shop is the Cinderella inspired embroidery art, the pumpkin coach especially. :)
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
I recorded a CD of original music to worship God - I am giving it as a gift to a long-distance friend going through a tough time. I won't get into details, but her young daughter has a genetic disorder and may only have a small amount of time left on this earth.
I subscribed to follow your blog - I dig your style! :)
I plan to spend time with my family this Christmas.
Fingers crossed,
Melissa B.
I liked you on Facebook.
Fingers crossed,
Melissa B.
I am a follower of your blog.
Fingers crossed,
Melissa B.
i visited your etsy shop. my favorite item is the cape.
Fingers crossed,
Melissa B.
I plan on taking over some baked goods to our neighbors. I hope they will enjoy them. I do enjoy making them knowing I get to give them away. Thanks for the chance to win such a cool cape. stephspitzer at gmail dot com
This year we are making hand-made cards that will be delivered with home baked cookies :)
I follow your blog :)
I like your Choochma....on FB :)
Oh, and I just LOVE yours "Penelope and the Elusive Prince - mini original paintings" - gorgeous!
Happy holidays!
We will be able to see 3 of our grandchildren for Christmas. It is hard when all of your children and grandchildren live far away!
We have adopted a family who recently left a shelter. It is a tradition fo rus to try and give something back.
New follower :)
Liked on FB :)
Love the esty shop magnetic hairclips.
To spread holiday cheer each year we visit the local nursing home to carol and share homemade ornaments.
The capes look awesome!!
we get into the holiday spirit by watching Christmas movies...all the classics.
and i give the kids the loose change from my car or purse for them to drop in the Salvation Army kettles...when people see my 3 or 5 y/o it sinks in that a little change will go a long way.
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
I'm now a follower!
I joined you're facebbook page!!
I stopped by your shop and i love the fairytale hoops...i'm a sucker for takes me back to a more innocent time!
To spread some holiday joy this year we are opening our home to acquaintences as well as family and friends for Christmas dinner.
Holiday job spreading would mean spending time with family and friends
I always pick an angel off the tree for a child wants a bike in memory of my grandmother.
I love coming across all these great new blogs. Yours is great!
juicylu at yahoo dot com
Now following your blog :)
Now a facebook fan too!
Checked out your gorgeous shop and I have to admit that my favourite item is the cape!
Something I did to spread cheer...
I traced the hands and feet of all the kids in my preschool class and made them each custom reindeer shirts. I just gave them to the kids and their parents today and they loved them! :)
like you on FB- Desiree Glaze
In your shop, I like wilber whale in little stripes
We'll be going to the nursing home as well as the hospital to share good tidings with those that can't spend the holidays with their family members (or they no longer have family members). It makes all of my problems see insignificant. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
I didn't really see this individual mini original painting for sale, but I saw it under "Penelope and the Elusive Prince". I would LOVE to have the prince. I have a collection of frog princes, and he would be adorable with them. Too, too cute. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
We're getting together with our friends for an Ugly Sweater party...nothing says Christmas like tacky sweaters!
I'm a follower too! Thanks for the chance.
I'm hosting an open house party! Hopefully the weather will cooperate! j-j-s[at]juno[d0t]com
We are having the neighbourhood over for a candlelit skating party on the rink my husband made in the backyard!
shwebel at gmail dot com
I am baking breads and cookies for people and crazily trying to finish up some handmade gifts before Christmas!
And my favorite on your etsy shop is the Very Jolly Roger onesie.
And...I just became a follower. Great giveaway and blog!
I will be bringing my neighbors some being homemade soap my daughter made and also some yummy treats to eat.
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